Journal of Society

Journal of Sociology

Introduction to the Theoretical Ideas of Bruno Latour

  • ড. দেবাশীষ কুমার কুন্ডু
    Published Date:

Volume 14 Issue 1 & 2, 2023
ISSN: 1813-2871 (Print)


Bruno Latour, a distinguished French philosopher, anthropologist, and sociologist, has emerged as a pivotal figure in the realm of post-truth discourse. This article aims to introduce Bengali readers to Latour’s social thought by examining his life and intellectual contributions. To facilitate a comprehensive understanding for those interested in sociology, I will analyze three seminal theories from Latour’s theoretical repertoire. These selections are informed by his foundational contributions, their relevance to sociological practice, and their broader implications for contemporary intellectual discourse. The theories under consideration include: i) Social Construction, Reality, and Science; ii) Non-Humans and Actor-Network Theory; and iii) Manifesto of Non-Modernity. This article will crystallize the origins, characteristics, and dissemination of these theories while also addressing the specific criticisms that have arisen within academic circles. I intend this critique to foster a deeper exploration of Latour’s contributions and their significance for sociology.

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